The best diets to lose weight

The best diets to lose weight including vegetarian diets and the newest scientifically proven diets avaiable

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Garcinia Cambogia for weightloss

Green Coffee bean for weightloss

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Pueraria Mirifica for breast growth

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Top 10 Foods Highest in Calories

Calories are the basic unit of energy found in all foods and are necessary to maintain the body's vital functions or basil metabolic rate.

 The amount of calories a person needs depends on factors like their age, gender, and lean muscle mass. 

Eating too few calories for a prolonged period of time causes a person to become underweight leading to muscle atrophy, weakened immunity, and eventually, organ failure. Conversely, eating too many calories causes a person to become overweight and obese, increasing their chances of heart disease, type II diabetes, and cancer. 

The amount of calories a person needs depends on their age, gender, activity level, and muscle mass.

The DV for calories is 2000 calories.

 Below is a list of the top 10 foods highest in calories, if you are looking to gain weight.

#1: Animal Fats (Lard, Tallow, Fish Oil) 

It is for a very good reason that this is our number one in the top 10 foods highest in calories. High in saturated fats and cholesterol and low in everything else, consumption of animal fats is best minimized, used as a condiment at most. Tallow, lard, and fish oils all top the list providing 902 calories (45% DV) per 100 gram serving. That is 1849 calories per cup, 117 calories per tablespoon, and 45 calories per teaspoon. Butter contains slightly fewer calories with 876 calories per 100 gram serving or 44% DV.

#2: Vegetable Oils (Soybean, Peanut, Palm, Olive)

Purified vegetable fats do not lag far behind animal fats. Try choose oils like Canola and Olive that are not hydrogenated, and therefore do not contain harmful trans fats. Vegetable oils provide 884 calories (44% DV) per 100 gram serving, 1927 calories per cup, 124 calories per tablespoon, and 44 calories per teaspoon. 

#3: Nuts and Seeds (Macadamia and Sesame)
Packed with vitamins, minerals, and heart healthy fats and fibers, nuts and seeds are a great snack food, particularly if they are dry roasted unsalted. They are, however, extremely high calorie, pilinuts have the most with 719 calories (36% DV) per 100 gram serving. They are followed by macadamia nuts (718 calories), and pecans (715 calories). Most nuts and seeds provide around 948 calories per cup, and 200 calories per ounce. 

#4: Salad Dressings 

 Usually packed with the fats and oils that top this list, salad dressings have earned a bad reputation with dieters trying to lose weight by eating salad. The amount of calories in dressings depends on how much oil and sugar is added when they are made. Simple dressings made of vinegar and herbs barely have any calories at all. The salad dressing with the most calories is French with 631 calories(26% DV) per 100g serving that is 88 calories per tablespoon. Other high calorie dressings include Caesar, Ranch, and Blue Cheese.

#5: Peanut Butter 
The staple spread of lunch is the number 5 food for calories. 100 grams will provide 588 calories or 29% of the DV. That is 1517 calories per cup or 94 calories per tablespoon.

#6: Junk Food (Snacks and Candies) 

 Junk food ranges from the candy bar, to peanut brittle and toffee. It comes in many shapes and forms, but we all know what it is and how bad it makes us feel after we have finished eating it. Most junk food will carry around 560 calories(28% DV) per 100 gram serving. Candy bars provide around 260 calories, and a single 8 ounce bag of extruded cheese based puffs can pack 1269 calories, more than half the calories for you.

#7: Dark Chocolate 

Dark chocolate is a nutrient and antioxidant packed food that is well worth the calories and best eaten in moderation. One hundred grams of pure baking chocolate will provide 501 calories (25% DV). That is 661 calories in a grated cup, and 145 calories in a 29 gram square.

#8: Cheese  

 A vegetarian source of protein, and also a good source of calcium cheese is a tasty addition to most any dish. The Norwegian Brunost or Gjetost has the most calories with 466(23% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 130 calories per oz. Other high calorie cheeses include hard cheeses like Parmesan.

#9: Fried Foods 

 Fried foods are eaten in large servings and also incorporate the oils that top this list. Fast food fried chicken tops the list at 463 calories(23% DV) per 100 grams serving, ~230 calories per strip. Other foods high on the list are onion rings at 407 calories per 100 grams (~30 calories per ring) and fast food french fries at 373 calories per 100 grams or 573 calories per large serving.

#10: Processed Meats (Sausage and Pâté) 

  Typically high in animal fats as well as the vitamins from their internal organs, these processed meats are also high in calories. Foie Gras, the pâté made from goose liver, has the most calories with 462(23%DV) calories per 100 gram serving, or 60 calories per tablespoon. In terms of sausages, the Spanish Chorizo has the most with 455 calories per 100 grams or 273 calories per 4 inch link.

Foods that make you lose weight

One of the most common questions I get asked is, 
how can I go on a diet without starving, constantly craving for more food or without cheating during my diet? People ask me very frequently what to eat for weightloss so in this article we will provide you hel with the question "Foods that make you lose weight "

As a healthcare professional I get asked this question almost every single day and I am surprised how it can frustrate my patients.

You see, the main problem with diets is that most of them have either juices or salads as their basic dishes, now you need to understand that even when you want to lose weight, being hungry and having an empty stomach all the time is not the solution, and you know that, in fact you know that so well that it can make you lose your motivation.

Diet help step one: I am going straight to the point and will give you a complete list of all foods that you can eat without gaining any weight, this will answer you "Foods that make you lose weight " question in a few simple steps, I will also provide you a simple plan how to do this diet.

With this diet you will not:

- Starve yourself to death
- Crave for further foods

-    Lose weight on a short term, but you will keep your pounds of for a long time.
-    Damage your stomach with ulcers (many women who go on diets get frequent acid in their stomach with this method you will even be able to cure those ulcers)

 With this diet you will:

  • -         Lose weight every single day and maintain it
  • -         Enjoy a healthy and tasty diet
  • -         Have fun while cooking because it is so easy and tasty
  • -         Be able to provide this diet to your whole family because children 
  •           will love it and your husband will lose weight too.
  • -         Promote a healthy stomach, intestines, liver and heart
  • -         Probably lower your cholesterol levels.

Diet help step two: Now I will provide you a list with the key ingredients of to lose weight diet :

  • -         Chicken and Turkey
  • -         Fish (Tuna, hake, salmon and other fish)
  • -         Semi-skimmed Milk
  • -         Semi-skimmed Yogurts
  • -         Whole wheat bread
  • -         Eggs
  • -         Vegetables such as:
  • -         Broccoli
  • -         Tomato
  • -         Letucce
  • -         Carrots
  • -         Eggplants
  • -         Zucchini
  • -         Onions
  • -         Garlic
  • -         Cucumber
  • -         Pepper
  • -         Several herbs such as:
  • -         Sage
  • -         Oregano
  • -         Parsley
  • -         Coriander
  • -         Cumin
  • -         Sweets such as:
  • -         Chocolate Mousse
  • -         Cakes
  • -         Cookies
  • -         Several fruits such as:
  • -         Banana
  • -         Apple
  • -         Strawberry
  • -         Lemon
  • -         Orange
  • -         Plums
  • -         Papaya
  • -         Mango
  • -         Drinks:
  • -         Milk based drinks
  • -         Fruit Juices
  • -         Green tea and other teas

Garcinia Cambogia - The weight loss miracle

  How to lose weight fast - Best product to lose weight

 So what is the best way to lose weight fast and safe?
Here is a list of the best ranked products that will help you losing weight effectively and on long therm.

After doing some research I found the best available products on the market that were exclusively developed by scientists and health care professionals to help you lose your pounds fast and safe. From all the products this one is the only one scientifically proven to work and therefore my personal pick:

Garcinia Cambogia the weightloss miracle pill (Recomended by Dr. Oz) - Review

Why is Garcinia Cambogia one of the best weight losing methods?

Garcinia Cambogia looks very much like an undersized pumpkin, a fruit that grows in Southeast Asia and India. Garcinia Cambogia contains a key ingredient HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid), which is extracted from the rind of the fruit. 

The natural HCA in Garcinia Cambogia has shown to accelerate metabolism and works as an appetite suppressant.

 Garcinia Cambogia the miracle pill  works as a Fat-Burnerappetite suppressant and as a mood enhancer.

What to do to lose weight

That powerful combination of effects is what allows people to lose weight! HCA inhibits citrate lyase enzyme in your body which is an important catalyst in the metabolic process of converting excess carbohydrates into fat. 

Once this process is inhibited by HCA, the body's natural reaction is to increase carbohydrate oxidation which can result in drastic weight loss!

Want to try Garcinia Cambogia the miracle pill out and let us know what you think?

Get your FREE Garcinia Cambodia miracle pill Bottle.


The natural (HCA) in Garcinia Cambogia " the miracle pill" is a known appetite suppressant that reduces cravings and decreases the urge to consume calories.

Eating habits are affiliated with emotions. Premium Garcinia Cambogia increases your serotonin levels, which leads to better mood and sleep.

- Made with Garcinia Cambogia Extract
- No artifficial fillers or additives
- 100% natural ingredients
- 1000mg capsules 

Want to lose weight with Garcinia Cambogia? For a list of recommended FDA approved products click here

Best products to lose weight

When it comes to losing weight one can easily get overwhelmed by the number of products the market delivers, shares and sells each and every day. Which products are trustworthy? Which products are safe? What is the feedback to these products?
Our team of developers has tested several products on your behalf, remember when we asked you to tells us which products you wanted us to review?
After some research our team of healthcare professionals and nutritionists has evaluated each and every product proposed by you, our readers. Here are the results.

 Hydroxycut Weight Loss

Hydroxycut is a supplement that promotes weight loss.
The active ingredients in most Hydroxycut products are:

·         Lady's mantle extract (Alchemilla vulgaris)
·         Wild olive extract (Olea europaea)
·         Komijn extract (Cuminum cyminum)
·         Wild mint extract (Mentha longifolia)

Some Hydroxycut products contain a green coffee bean extract (Coffea canephora robusta).

Is Hydroxycut Effective?

There are a few studies that have shown that the key ingredients in most Hydroxycut products safely promote weight loss. 
Most Hydroxycut products contain a blend of four herbal extracts -- komijn, lady's mantle, wild olive and wild mint -- that has been shown to be safe and effective as a weight loss aid in two studies.
A 2011 study, funded by Iovate, involved 69 people, half of whom took the blend over 8 weeks. They lost an average of 16.5 pounds compared to the average 2.12 pounds lost by people taking a placebo, according to the company. The study is considered proprietary, so it has not been published in a medical journal. 
A 2010 study of a different diet supplement that contains the same extract blend found in Hydoxycut produced similar results. At the end of the 12-week study, the 16 participants who took weighlevel lost an average of about 20 pounds compared to 1.7 pounds for the 13 participants who took a placebo. All participants stuck to a strict, three-meals-a-day diet. Researchers concluded that the four extracts in combination may help burn fat.

What About Hydroxycut Products that Contain Green Coffee Bean Extract?

Two studies have shown that the green coffee bean extract found in someHydroxycut products promotes weight loss. Svetol, the green coffee extract used in Hydroxycut products, is found in Hydroxycut Hardcore, Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite, and Hydroxycut Acai.
French researchers who took a look at Svetol's effect on weight loss found similar results: 30 of 50 study participants who took Svetol lost an average of 10.95 pounds over eight weeks. The 20 people who took a placebo lost 5.4 pounds on average. The results were published in Phytotherapie, a French journal, in 2006.

Is Hydroxycut Safe?

A few clinical studies have shown that the ingredients in Hydroxycut products are safe.
The FDA, however, does not evaluate dietary supplements -- also called nutraceuticals -- for safety or effectiveness. Instead, supplement makers are responsible for verifying any claims made about their products, documenting any adverse reactions to them, and reporting reactions that meet the FDA's definition of ''serious.''

Authors opinion

After our own research we tested Hydroxycut on 18 individuals, 17 reported no side effects, 1 female reported that taking this supplement without having ingested food before initially gave her bloating and acid symptoms.
When it comes to losing weight, Hydroxycut is very effective, and because it is based on natural substances it promotes losing weight naturally.
Our team recommends Hydroxycut for several reasons:
 ·        It is very effective
 ·        It works fast and helps maintaining the achieved weight
 ·        It is based on natural components
 ·        The price is one of the best in the market
 ·        For your free bottle click here

Credits to:

You losing weight program – By Dr. Oz

This losing weight program includes a collection of 99 tips and practical strategies to help you get in shape and achieve the body you have always wanted.
This ebook explains why crash dieting never works as a long-term strategy for losing weight. The ebook consists of separate sections addressing different aspects of a weight loss program including Body Basics, Food, Activity and Exercise, Mind, Lifestyle and More.

Throughout You Losing Weight, you will find comprehensive information about the science of weight loss, the influence of hormones on metabolism and appetite, education about basic nutrition and practical tips.

A fourteen-day diet plan is included which includes three meals and two snacks daily. The meals emphasize fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Every other day you are permitted a dessert such as an ounce of dark chocolate.

Dieting can’t be hard if you are to succeed for a lifetime, and it should never feel like a sacrifice. With the right strategy, you can make the lifestyle changes that you need to lose weight and get healthy for good.

You losing weight  is easy to follow and understand and is packed with everything  you need to know about how to develop better habits that will keep pounds off for good.

Authors opinion

This is a quality ebook that effectively helps you losing weight thanks to a 14 day diet program which is tasty, fun and efficient. It is also packed with 99 tips and comes with a total of 7 additional free ebooks.
If you want a reliable tasty diet written by a healthcare professional such as Dr. Oz this ebook is the best choice for you.

To get your ebook Click Here!