How to get rid of sagging breasts?
Over the course of time, breasts have a tendency to lose their perkiness and begin to sag. Pregnancy is one major contributor to this phenomenon along with the aging process. The only women who might be totally exempt from this happening are those with small breasts. When it comes to the treatment of sagging breasts, the approach involves preventing any further sagging and making some lifestyle adjustments that involve some key exercises and dietary adjustments.
Step 1
Make sure to wear a bra. Breasts sag when ligaments and connective tissue get stretched and become weak. To keep the breasts supported, always wear a bra. This is especially the case when you are running. At this point, wear a good sports bra for better support.
Step 2
Keep your skin in good shape. Being that the skin is a major part of the breasts, it is a good idea to keep it in good shape. Eat a clean diet that is nutrient-rich with specific vitamins and minerals that are healthy for the skin. Some of these are vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, zinc and essential fatty acids. They can be found in foods like oranges, grapefruits, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, baby spinach and flax seed oil.
Step 3
Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. Water brings many benefits to the body. It flushes toxins from the system, it lubricates the connective tissue and it aids in digestion. But the most important thing it does is hydrate the body and the skin. According to the Institute of Medicine, women should consume 11 cups of water daily. But this doesn’t yet answer your "How to get rid of sagging breasts" question.
Step 4
Perform a breast massage. Massage your breasts 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before going to sleep, this will enhance blood circulation and help important nutrients and lipids reach the breast tissue therefore causing firmer breasts. Do this for at least 30 days to see permanent and lasting effects. Do a minimum of 100-300 circular rubs in the morning and another 100-300 circular rubs before you go to bed. Each circular rub should last about 2 seconds. Pause occasionally and rub your hands together to re-warm them. The full 300 rubs should take about 10-15 minutes. By doing this twice a day, you should be able to increase a cup size within 30 days.
Step 5
Do some dumbbell flies. Dumbbell flies are done on a flat bench. Lie on your back with dumbbells in your hands. Extend your arms straight up in the air with your palms facing forward. Lower your arms to your sides until your upper arms are about parallel to the floor, then return to the starting point.
Step 6
Do some incline chest presses. Adjust your bench to a 60 degree angle. Lie on it with the dumbbells in your hands. Press them straight up in the air with your palms facing forward. Slowly lower them down to about the height of your chest by bending your elbows. Lift them back up and repeat. This exercise will work your upper chest.
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